A detailed overview of the process to seek Article 6 authorisation of the mitigation activities and the mitigation outcomes, including required documents at each stage, is outlined in the chart below.

Joint Committee

The Joint Committee is a coordination body that oversees the administration of the Implementation Agreement.

The Singapore-Ghana Joint Committee is co-chaired by:



Director-General of Climate Change, National Climate Change Secretariat

Director of Environment, Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation

The Joint Committee’s role includes:

  • Making recommendations to the countries for their decision on processes, environmental integrity criteria, and registry arrangements under the IA;

  • Establishing rules and guidelines for project applications for authorisation under the IA;

  • Reviewing the IA and its Annexes as required, and recommending amendments to the countries;

  • Facilitating the exchange of information relevant to the processes under the IA.

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