Call for carbon market project ideas for matchmaking on the Ghana carbon market readiness exchange

  1. Ghana is engaged in the international carbon market scheme under the Paris Agreement to raise finance for GHG mitigation projects that increase ambition and may support the implementation of the nationally determined contribution by driving foreign direct green investments.
  1. Consequently, Ghana is working closely with the Governments of Switzerland, Sweden, and Singapore to establish the rules for transparently creating excess carbon credits and exchange. Additionally, Cabinet has approved Ghana’s International Carbon Market Framework that set out the regulatory procedures for developing carbon market projects under the compliance and voluntary markets.
  1. The carbon market investors have responded positively to the policy and regulation environment whipping up the interests of several entities seeking to purchase carbon credits from Ghana.
  1. As part of the strategy to sustain the interests of the international carbon markets and facilitate the implementation of carbon projects in Ghana,
  1. The Carbon Market Office (CMO) of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is seeking to compile Ghana Carbon Project Readiness Exchange, evaluate their potential and make them available for matchmaking with the potential acquiring entities. The database is expected to be an information platform for carbon market investors.
  1. Some common examples of projects which may qualify to become carbon market projects include; waste-to-energy, composting, renewable energy, clean cooking, low-carbon electricity generation, electric mobility, landfill gas management, energy efficiency, afforestation/reforestation, etc.
  1. Submit your project idea by sending us a one-pager of the proposed carbon market project idea to or Please use “Carbon Market Business Idea” as the e-mail subject matter. We are happy to receive all applications until April 28, 2023.
  1. The one-pager must cover the following areas (a) background of the project idea, (b) project idea (technology and how it saves GHG emissions), (c) status of project idea development, (d) GHG emission saving potentials (e) market situation and business model (f) implementation arrangement, (g) contact of project idea owner and (h) planned roll-out schedule. Incomplete submissions may be disregarded.
  1. Interested eligible project owners may obtain further information from the CMO via e-mail: or Telephone: (+233) 0501301475/ 0501301518/ 0501301435.
  1. Note that submitting your project idea to the CMO does not amount to your approval and guarantee investment.



